Saturday, October 5, 2013

Analysis on "A Dark Brown Dog"

Title: A Dark Brown Dog
Author: Stephen Crane
Kind: Short Story

            In this story, I am using Affective Analysis. I solely believe I can truly express my thoughts through this type of analysis.

            I choose this story because primarily it is about “A Dark Brown Dog” and I am an animal lover but more importantly it is about the degrading maltreatment over the poor dog. Same thing with the story, I used to have dog when I was younger. It was my maternal grandmother who influenced me with animals and she was the one who gave me my first puppy.  Every time I see helpless animals in street sides, it pains me. It is very upsetting that sometimes I wish I could adopt all of them. Last summer, I adopted a cat from the street. My family also likes animals though sometimes they get irritated.  There are times that my sister would beat him or even my parents and I just defend the poor cat. Same with the story, when I am not around they would use to beat the cat. That time I just realized a lot of people do not appreciate the kind of relationship that animals have with humans. In the story it was clear that the dog came from the street being freed from slavery of its former master and undoubtedly followed the boy. It was distressing in a while but later on, the two became friends. People with soft personality tend to develop mutual relationship with animals which I believe is an advantage when relating with humans.

In the story, it was not admirable when the other members of the family, especially the father, maltreated the dog. Though it was not mention in the plot, maybe because they were not used of having dog around the house. However, the boy would also beat the dog but he has valid reasons to do so. I also admit, I would beat my cats when they have done something ridiculous or unacceptable.

 Recently, I found a puppy just outside our house but I refused to keep the little creature because I thought it would become a burden. This time, it was already my parents who brought a puppy at home. He was a half-breed dog and he was so cute and adorable, I just cannot get enough of him. Last night (October 5, 2013) was his first stay and he was supposed to sleep on the living room but he howled. So I took him and let him slept beside me. I guess it was start of a great companionship between us just like the boy and the dog in the story.
Sad to say, the story did not end up with a happy ending. The dog died horribly and it was really not okay. The boy sobbed so hard over the death of his dearest friend. In contrary of my experience, my dog before did not die that way.

From the beginning down to end, the author had put the plot into detail which made the short story remarkable. I could relate this story with our society where discrimination is seriously obvious and rampant. The dog represents the minority groups (women, ethnic groups, indigent, etc.) and the father represents the dominant groups especially the rich.  I hope this dilemma would find its way to termination. This story gave a hint of how reality works. 

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