Monday, September 23, 2013

Lesson Plan in Science and Health 6

Tion, Jorjie Mitchie Marie B.                                                       September  2013                                                                    
BEEd- Gen. Ed. IV

I.              Objectives: given varied learning activities, the grade 6 students are expected to do the following with at least 80% accuracy:
a.    Determine what is deforestation;
b.    Identify the causes of deforestation;
c.    Cite importance of deforestation; and
d.    Present effects of deforestation through creative presentation.

II.            Subject Mater
Topic: Deforestation
Concept: Deforestation is the destruction of forests, the clearing or cutting trees.
 Exploring and Protecting Our World by Padua, Alicia L.,
           Coronel,Carmelita C., pp. 118-119
 Science and Health for a Changing Environment by Dela         
           Cruz, Estrellita S., Diaz, Estrellita S., pp. 92-93
 Science and Health by Ballior, Maria Teresa Mariano,
           Contalejo, Mirla N., pp. 100-102
 Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet by Botkin,
                           Daniel B., Keller, Edward A., pp. 252-253
III.           Procedure:
A.   Engagement
An action song will be presented to the class.


There was a tree,
The finest tree that I ever did see
And the tree was on a ground
Where the green grass grow
All around, all around

There was a trunk
The finest trunk that I ever did see
And the trunk was on the tree
And the tree was on the ground
Where the green grass grow
All around, all around

branch                leaf                 egg
twig                    nest                 bird
1.    What was the song all about?
2.    How important is a tree?
3.    How do you take care of a tree?

B.   Exploration
A trivia will be presented to the class.

Did you know that Philippine forests are among the most endangered forests in the world?

           “Philippine forest cover has plunged to as low as 6.6 percent, and the country’s deforestation rate is now the highest in East Asia and Southeast Asia regions at 1.4 percent annually,” Clemente Bautista, national coordinator of the environmental group Kalikasan-People’s Network for the Environment, said.

Question: What might be the cause of the destruction of the forests?

Activity: The class will be divided into four groups. Each group will have a picture puzzle to form. Every group will describe and identify the activity in the puzzle that causes deforestation. Every group will describe and identify the activity in the puzzle that causes deforestation.

Illegal Logging
Kaingin System
Industrial Pollution 
Natural Calamities

C.   Exploration
A PowerPoint presentation will be shown for further discussion about deforestation. (the ppt is shown above entitled Causes of Deforestation)

D.   Enrichment
What could be possible effects deforestation?
            Pupils’ answers may vary.
How could this affect our society?
            Pupils’ answers may vary.
How could we help in preventing deforestation?
a.    as a pupil
b.    as citizen (now)
c.    as a future citizen         

E.   Elaboration
      Let us nurture our understanding about the effects of deforestation through creative activities.

With the same grouping of the first activity, each group will create the assigned task given (draw lots) about the effects of deforestation with the use of art materials. Explanation will be written at the back.

                                    Creativity                 -     25%
                                    Content                      -   25%
                                    Neatness                 -     25%
                                    Relatedness            -    25%

EFFECTS                             TASK   
Soil Erosion                          Slogan
Global Warming                    Poster
Destruction of Habitat          Collage
Flooding                                Poem

IV.          Evaluation
A.   Read the following statements and write your answer in space before the number. Write T if the answer is true, F if false.

_____1. Trees absorb water and prevent flooding.
_____2. Death of trees from pollution or disease is an indirect 
_____3. Deforestation is rampant only in Southeast Asia.
_____4. Agriculture is one cause of clearing of forestland.
_____5. Deforestation is not an influential factor of global warming.
_____6. Illegal logging is the cutting of trees without the permission of the authorities.
_____7. Kaingin System is a permitted activity of the government.
_____8. Industrial development does not affect deforestation.
_____9. Landslide is also an effect of excessive logging.
_____10. Reforestation is to replace trees being removed or cut down by seeding new ones.

B.   Match the Column A with its description in Column B.

      Column A                                      
          1.    Kaingin                                 
          2.    Deforestation                                      
          3.    Global warming                                   
          4.    Industrial pollution                       
          5. Illegal logging

Column B                                      
          a. waste from industries that pollutes water bodies and open lands
          b. increase of Earth’s average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases
          c. cutting down trees for logs without permission in a protected area
          d. permanent destruction of forest
          e. cutting and burning of trees to convert forestlands to agriculture lands for a variety of other purposes